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These are the books that I want to read - some of them because they are part of a series
that I have started or written by an author who I like, some because they have been
recommended, and some because they looked interesting. If you have a favourite book,
please feel free to write and tell me about it and I'll put it up here!

Heretics of Dune Frank Herbert Dune Sci-Fi n/a
Chapterhouse: Dune Frank Herbert Dune Sci-Fi n/a
Every book written by: Isaac Asimov Lots! Sci-Fi
and more

Me! Yes, I know I'm
insane. I think this
would take me about
a year and a half, if I
read a book a day.

Shardik Richard Adams n/a Fantasy n/a
The Memory of Earth Orson Scott Card Homecoming Fantasy n/a
The Call of Earth Orson Scott Card Homecoming Fantasy n/a
The Ships of Earth Orson Scott Card Homecoming Fantasy n/a
Earthfall Orson Scott Card Homecoming Fantasy n/a
Earthborn Orson Scott Card Homecoming Fantasy n/a
Wyrms Orson Scott Card ? ? n/a
Rose Daughter Robin McKinley n/a Fantasy n/a
No Quarter Tanya Huff ? Fantasy n/a
The Quartered Sea Tanya Huff ? Fantasy n/a
Oathblood Mercedes Lackey Valdermer Fantasy n/a
Nimisha's Ship Anne McCaffrey n/a Fantasy n/a
Restoree Anne McCaffrey n/a Fantasy n/a
Acorna's People Anne McCaffrey Unicorn Girl Fantasy n/a
Acorna's World Anne McCaffrey Unicorn Girl Fantasy n/a
Decision at Doona Anne McCaffrey Doona Fantasy n/a
Crisis on Doona Anne McCaffrey


Fantasy n/a
Treaty at Doona Anne McCaffrey Doona Fantasy n/a
Dinosaur Planet Survivers Anne McCaffrey Dinosaur Fantasy n/a
Mindkiller Spider Robinson n/a Sci-Fi n/a
Ringworld Larry Niven Ringworld Sci-Fi n/a
Losing My Virginity Richard Branson n/a Autobiography Joseph
Into The Wild Jon Krakauer n/a ? Karen
Ishmael Daniel Quinn n/a ? Joseph (and others)
The Prophet Kahlil Gibran n/a ? Joseph
Tao Te Ching Stephen Mitchell n/a ? Joseph
The Princess Bride (abridged) William Goldman n/a ? Karen
The Handmaid's Tale Margaret Attwood n/a ? Karen
Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell n/a ? Karen
Obernewtyn Isobelle Carmody Obernewtyn ? Karen
The Farseekers Isobelle Carmody Obernewtyn ? Karen
Ashling Isobelle Carmody Obernewtyn ? Karen
The Keeping Place Isobelle Carmody Obernewtyn ? Karen
City of Gold Peter Dickinson n/a ? n/a
Water: Tales of Elemental
Robin McKinley
Peter Dickinson
n/a ? n/a
Flight Peter Dickinson n/a ? n/a
Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carroll n/a ? Karen
Through the Looking Glass Lewis Carroll n/a ? Karen
Consider Phlebas Iain M. Banks The Culture Novels Sci-Fi Stephen Tweedale
Player of Games Iain M. Banks Culture novels Sci-Fi Stephen Tweedale
Use of Weapons Iain M. Banks Culture novels Sci-Fi Stephen Tweedale
Excession Iain M. Banks Culture novels Sci-Fi Stephen Tweedale
Look to Windward Iain M. Banks Culture novels Sci-Fi Stephen Tweedale
A Fire Upon the Deep Vernor Vinge n/a Sci-Fi Stephen Tweedale
The Stone Canal Ken MacLeod fall revolution Sci-Fi Stephen Tweedale
The Cassini Division Ken MacLeod fall revolution Sci-Fi Stephen Tweedale
Sing the Light Louise Marley ? Fantasy n/a
Sing the Warmth Louise Marley ? Fantasy n/a
Recieve the Gift Louise Marley ? Fantasy n/a
How The Mind Works Stephen Pinker ? ? n/a
The Sardonyx Net Elizabeth A. Lynn ? ? n/a